Training in Cultural Safety for Accreditation Contributors
Cultural safety is, and is becoming, embedded in standards that accredit and monitor training across the health professions in Australia. This training supports this effort.
The purpose of completing this program of learning includes:
At its core, this program of learning underscores and improves the accreditation contributor’s knowledge, skill and responsiveness of and to self and other, for the application of cultural safety in accreditation.
Building from purpose one, the accreditation contributor is able to appropriately use, and interpret, the accreditation standards that are related to cultural safety, used by their health profession to accredit and monitor accredited programs of study.
Building on purpose two, and using the profession’s accreditation structures, the accreditation contributor is able to guide and compel education providers, their educators and supervisors, to provide culturally safe training.
Through improved understanding of cultural safety, and through appropriate use of accreditation processes, guide and compel students and supervisors to contribute to culturally safe patient care.
Provide accreditation contributors with knowledge and understanding of cultural safety to enable them to fully participate in discussion about the standards of their health profession and how the standards fully integrate concepts of cultural safety.
This training is designed for accreditation contributors from the health professions regulated under the National Regulation and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS).
There are four components in this training. The participant learning journey is as follows:
Learner Journey

01 – Pre Evaluation
At the beginning of the course, accreditation contributors will be asked to rate their level of preparedness and knowledge in certain areas relating to the content of the module. These questions set a base-line against which change in learners perceived preparedness and knowledge can be assessed.
Preparedness: Preparedness in this setting means the extent to which health practitioners are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to perform their duties proficiently. Preparedness ensures that accreditation contributors are ready to meet the current and evolving standards of accreditation, education and healthcare delivery, including Indigenous student, staff, community and patient safety and care quality.
Knowledge: Knowledge in this context means the extent to which accreditation contributors understand and place importance on cultural safety within the accreditation and assessment processes.

02 – Self Directed Learning
Self-directed modules one – six explore content and skill required to be an effective accreditation contributor within a culturally safe environment. These self-directed modules apply accreditation standards that have a focus on cultural safety as they are applied by accreditation contributors to accredited programs of study and contribute to culturally safe accredited programs of study. Five knowledge check questions will be provided to assess learning at the end of each module. Learners are required to achieve 4 out of 5 to progress to the next module.

03 – Moderated Discussion
After completing the online training, you will be required to attend a moderated discussion session. The session will be either online or in person.
The moderated discussion session is a 6 hour (full day) facilitated discussion. You will join 20 accreditation contributors to share ideas and discuss learnings from the self-directed training and activities.
You will be asked to reserve a moderated discussion day before you start the online learning and final confirmation will occur upon completion of the online learning.

04 – Post Evaluation
At the completion of the course, accreditation contributors will be asked to rate their level of perceived change in preparedness and knowledge.