
ABSTARR’s clients consistently report that we deliver:

change and deep learning
excellence in analysis
clarity and confidence in strategy


We have led change by facilitating deep transformational learning and growth in culturally safe environments. Globally, people are looking for purpose and meaning. We enable understanding of belonging and respect.


All of ABSTARR’s clients report excellence through turning thought leadership and critical analysis into real solutions and achievable strategy.


We have delivered clarity and confidence to communities, businesses and governments seeking to deliver better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

ABSTARR is proud to have created positive social outcomes for the following valued partners and clients.

Community Organisations and NGOs

Aninyini Congress Aboriginal Corporation; Alzheimer’s Australia; Australian Indigenous Doctor’s Association; Beyond Blue; Congress of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Nurses & Midwives; Culture is Life; Headspace; Indigenous Allied Health Australia; The Lowitja Institute; Queensland Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak Ltd; Queensland Association for Healthy Communities; Naomi Milgrom Foundation; Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency; The Wheeler Centre


Australian Dental Council; Australian Indigenous Education Psychology Education Project; Australian Medical Council; Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council; Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists; Australian Psychological Society; Cree School Board – Quebec; Flinders University; Griffith University; NSW Health Education Training Institute; Medical Deans Australia & New Zealand; Monash University; Royal Australian College of Physicians; South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute; The University of Western Australia


Price Waterhouse Coopers
Clemengers BBDO
Nous Consulting
Leo Burnett
Indigenous Business Australia
The Australian BlackCard


Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency; Australian High Commission of Canada; British Columbia Ministry of Health; Commonwealth Department of Health; Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs; Commonwealth Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet; Queensland Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services; Queensland Department of Justice & the Attorney-General; Victorian Department of Health & Human Services; Victorian Department of Justice & Regulation, Victorian Department of Premier & Cabinet, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation