
ABSTARR leads change, delivers excellence and brings clarity.

We work with communities, businesses and governments to turn thought leadership into real solutions and strategy.

We can:

  • write your strategy
  • facilitate your meeting
  • analyse/research your situation
  • identify real solutions and strategy

We use change management and organisational psychology to deliver in the following areas:

  • Aboriginal policy and services (health, education, justice, economic development etc)
  • Medical and health education
  • Health workforce development
  • Cultural safety, cultural capability and race relations
  • Healing, social and emotional well-being
  • Curriculum
  • Leadership
  • Community development
  • Action research

ABSTARR tailors bespoke program design to meet the needs of each of its clients.

Product offering for communities, businesses and governments

If you are not sure of what your group needs, here are some pre-designed products and packages to consider:

Introducing Change – presentation (1 hour)

  • Cultural safety and Self-determination 101

Gaining Clarity – seminar (3 hours)

  • Introducing Change presentation, plus
  • Identify the dimensions of and possible solutions for your situation
  • Clarity on what works in other organisations and communities

Clarifying Strategy – workshop (1-2 days)

    • Gaining Clarity seminar, plus
    • Recognise the scope of a strategic approach
    • Identify practical solutions that can assist your situation

    Creating Solutions – deep dive (3-5 days)

    • Clarifying Strategy workshop, plus
    • Experience deep transformational learning that will turn the lights on
    • Build confidence in respectfully applying Aboriginal knowledges and delivering outcomes.

      Recent Services

      Canada – Australia Roundtable on Indigenous Health

      • Hosted by Canadian High Commission, Canberra
      • 100 Indigenous health leaders and experts
      • ABSTARR facilitated and led the discussions to focus on the 97% (mainstream)’s responsibilities in addressing racism in health
      • “Greg, you were superb… You brought a splendid mix of expert knowledge, empathy, and the ability to listen.” – His Excellency Paul Maddison, High Commissioner

      Medical Board of Australia Conference 2017

      • 200 senior clinicians and medical leaders
      • ABSTARR delivered a keynote presentation on cultural safety, racism and whiteness
      • “You delivered everything I was hoping for and more, and I could see that you had left many people thinking and feeling deeply. You have a wonderful gift for articulating some deep truths in ways that people can connect with.” – Dr Joanna Flynn, Chair, Medical Board of Australia

      Koori Justice Forum Victoria April 2017

        • 100 community and government leaders
        • ABSTARR delivered keynote presentations on self-determination and the role of government
        • Also delivered to Victorian Ministerial Council on Aboriginal Affairs and the Secretaries Group
        • “Thank you for your presentation… it was so powerful, and just gave us all a bigger view and different language. It really opened our eyes.” – Aunty Lois Peeler, Eastern RAJAC Chair

        Queensland Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services

          • 120 senior departmental leaders & Cultural Capability Enablers Network
          • ABSTARR delivered keynote presentations, facilitated workshops, and wrote policy pieces on cultural safety and self-determination
          • “I want to thank you for how clear and powerful your work with us is. It has led to significant change in the way leaders in the Department are thinking.” – Mick Shearer, Cultural Capability, Regional Manager

          Why ABSTARR Consulting? Our unique point of difference is:

          • We understand how power operates – from experience and from community, academic and professional perspectives – BRINGS CLARITY
          • We teach others how to respectfully apply Aboriginal knowledge and values – DELIVERS EXCELLENCE
          • We lead change in transformative and culturally safe ways – LEADS CHANGE
          • Educated for 25+ years by Elders in Indigenous communities in Australia, Aotearoa, Canada, the USA, Sweden, Peru and South Africa
          • Referrals and proven results by some of Australia’s leading communities, businesses and governments.